Whole Buildings

Published December 15, 2022

Effective March 1, 2023

The continued expansion of energy storage and other distributed energy resources (DERs), as well as the emergence of building demand flexibility as an important design attribute, help support California’s legislation and decarbonization goals. Maintaining building performance and integrating systems to achieve ongoing energy management information systems.

2022 Technology Research Areas



Site level electrical infrastructure needs and capabilities to enable low- or carbon-neutral buildings, demand-flexible end-uses, distributed energy resources, and grid harmonization. Refers to single and multi-structure sites that use a common utility connection.

Example Technologies

Electric Panel Upgrades, Transformers, DC-Power Systems


Improvements to the electrical infrastructure deployment will be necessary to support broad decarbonization efforts as many existing buildings will need electric upgrades to support the electrification of end-use systems such as water heating, space heating, and other gas end-uses (clothes dryers, cooktops, etc.). EV charging will also drive the need for added electrical capacity. Strategies/technologies to improve cost-effectiveness in deploying electrical infrastructure and/or demonstration of effective load management strategies that enable electrification will be of high interest (e.g. smart circuit breakers, smart panels, and ability to support the flexible demand technologies under SB-49).

For projects that directly support Demand Flexibility such as v2x, CalNEXT will look for ways to collaborate with existing ET programs.


Electrical infrastructure upgrades are a relative newcomer to the utility program landscape having recently been incorporated into a number of CA eTRM measures as a cost component for fuel substitution measures. Still more work is needed to fully understand the role electrical infrastructure plays as a barrier to electrification efforts.

Potential barriers studies should address:

  1. Lack of understanding of electrical infrastructure costs to support building electrification (especially HTR & Low-income communities as well as multi-family & non-residential buildings)
  2. Disconnect between implementers / National Electric Code (NEC) and policy-makers on electrification infrastructure needs and address safety risks for load management approaches.
  3. Lack of program integration to combine enabling technology (electrical upgrades) with electrification and DR benefits.

Integrated Systems


Includes single products that serve multiple end-uses (e.g. HP serving DHW and HVAC, perhaps with integrated thermal storage), BMS controls that integrate control between multiple end uses (e.g. networked lighting sensors used for lighting and HVAC control), and integrated packages of measures (e.g. electrification packages with measures to improve envelope and reduce loads to a heat-pump HVAC retrofit OR integrated design that provides multiple services/benefits from each component such TABS embedded radiant floor panels, or broadly GEBs: Grid Interactive Efficient Buildings)

Example Technologies

Multifunction Equipment, Integrated Controls, Integrated or Interactive Measure Packages


Integrated Systems have potential to bring large performance improvements  beyond that of individual components or individual systems. Certain applications have the potential to reduce barriers and costs by providing electrification of multiple systems that can also result in large energy savings & improving demand flexibility (e.g. an integrated heat-pump system that combines water heating, thermal storage, space heating, and cooling).

Prospective ET projects should focus on development of efficiency measures or strategies that integrate multiple technologies that result in improved performance and/or reduced deployment costs.


Most performance improvements are component-based approaches addressing one piece of equipment or end-use at a time. Integrated systems can be significantly more complex, can span multiple building systems, and typically require a greater level of design, assessment, and more complex maintenance. For example, the CA eTRM database includes predominantly single technology or single or single end-use, resulting in most integrated systems solutions having to follow a custom-engineered approach.

Potential barriers studies should address:

  1. Lack of field performance data (including system reliability & cost-effectiveness)
  2. Lack of maturity of system testing & ratings.
  3. Lack of software tools to quickly assess performance of integrated systems.
  4. Lack of deployment infrastructure for integrated systems: need to better understand resources for designers, installers, and effective maintenance strategies.

Key Factors

Energy Savings Potential: Medium
Decarbonization Potential: High
Demand Flexibility Potential: High
Other Emissions Impacts: Low

Knowledge Index

Technical Performance: Medium
Market Understanding: Low
Program Intervention:  Medium

Design & Construction

Example Technologies

Manufactured Housing, Modular Building Components, Panelized Components, Low-Embodied Carbon designs, Site-built design


Improvements in building design practices have the potential to reduce lifetime emissions associated with construction by implementing building materials with lower embodied carbon. State of CA and local jurisdictions have been driving change in this area with policies such as the Buy Clean California Act (BCCA) which set GWP limits for steel, concrete, glass, and mineral wool insulation used in state projects, Low-Carbon Concrete Requirements adopted by County of Marin in 2019, and SB-596(2021) which will develop a statewide net-zero emissions strategy for the cement sector.

Improvements in off-site or partial off-site construction have the opportunity to reduce construction costs and deployment times while improving performance and reliability of building systems, as well as de-risk integration of new strategies (such as incorporation of low embodied carbon materials or all-electric building designs). Improvements in this area may be of particular importance residential housing market as additional dwelling units and manufactured housing should expect significant growth to address the state’s housing affordability crisis.

Prospective ET studies should focus on development and deployment of lower embodied carbon buildings or high-performance whole buildings through demonstrations, scaled deployments, improvements to modeling & analysis tools, or other strategies.


While a mature industry, Whole Building Design & Construction has not been a focus for CA utilities ET Program. This has been a dynamic area in recent years with a variety of recent policy changes and represent an area of significant potential for utility programs to research and develop programs to align with policy goes to reduce embodied carbon emissions.

Potential barriers studies should address:

  1. Lack of experienced practitioners
  2. Lack of consistent EPD disclosure from materials suppliers
  3. Lack of market understanding and associated implementation costs
  4. Lack of programs to incentivize behavioral change of building designers
  5. Lack of programs supporting electrification of manufactured housing and ADUs.
  6. Lack of factories equipped to deliver high-performing offsite construction solutions.

Key Factors

Energy Savings Potential: Medium
Decarbonization Potential: Medium
Demand Flexibility Potential: Medium
Other Emissions Impacts: High

Knowledge Index

Technical Performance: Low
Market Understanding: Medium
Program Intervention:  Medium


  • Interior envelope elements that affect heat, air and moisture transfer between spaces.
  • Individual products such as insulation, windows, ‘second skins’ & ‘retrofit facades’ that improve the building envelope.
  • Quality construction techniques such as Quality Insulation Installation, reducing thermal bridging, air sealing and vapor barriers. 

Example Technologies

Roofing, Fenestration, Opaque Envelopes, Air Sealing


Improvements to the building envelopes will provide better thermal comfort, reduced heating and cooling energy usage, improved air quality, moisture control and better resilience for buildings.

Prospective ET studies should focus on envelope improvements that improve energy performance, address IAQ/IEQ concerns and support building electrification efforts (i.e. reducing need for space heating) through improved materials as well as improved construction practices. Deployable technologies for the existing building sector that address costs or improve affordability will be especially important.


Envelopes are a mature field but have been historically under-analyzed in favor of more straightforward widget-based appliance options (this is especially true for the non-residential sector). ET investments in this technology family can promise both improved savings, lower lifetime cost, as well as several co-benefits that need evaluation.

Potential barriers studies should address:

  1. Lack of information related to retrofit technologies for existing residential envelopes.
  2. Lack of information related to retrofit technologies for existing commercial envelopes.
  3. Poor understanding of installation performance gaps (i.e. variance of real-product lifetimes) and embodied carbon impacts of different envelope materials
  4. Lack of trusted tools to facilitate savings estimates related to envelope improvements.

Key Factors

Energy Savings Potential: Medium
Decarbonization Potential: Medium
Demand Flexibility Potential: Low
Other Emissions Impacts: Medium

Knowledge Index

Technical Performance: Medium
Market Understanding: Low
Program Intervention:  Medium

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Community-Scale Strategies


The benefits include higher system efficiency, energy resilience, load flexibility, and/or grid harmonization. Quality Insulation Installation, reducing thermal bridging, air sealing and vapor barriers.

Example Technologies

Microgrids, Virtual Power Plans, District Heating & Cooling


Under Community-Scale strategies, prospective ET studies should demonstrate performance benefits in terms of emissions reductions and cost-effectiveness of those emissions reductions. Microgrids sites should target regions most susceptible to grid outages (PSPS events) or DAC and HTR communities. For virtual power plants, studies should demonstrate effective program designs for DAC and HTR communities.


Potential barriers studies should address:

  1. Nascent standards environment for interoperability of grid assets
  2. Policy changes necessary to facilitate community scale microgrids
  3. Lack of market understanding for microgrid controllers products
  4. Lower market penetration rates of VPP for DAC and HTR communities.

Key Factors

Energy Savings Potential: Low
Decarbonization Potential: Medium
Demand Flexibility Potential: High
Other Emissions Impacts: Medium

Knowledge Index

Technical Performance: Medium
Market Understanding: Low
Program Intervention:  Low

Active / Completed Projects

Please refer to the Emerging Technologies Coordinating Council for a complete list of active and completed projects to ensure your project is not duplicative.

Past TPMs