Our Vision

CalNEXT’s vision is to identify emerging technology trends and bring commercially available technologies to the energy efficiency program portfolio. CalNEXT will track and vet the efficacy and claims of these technologies, products, and solutions to assess and confirm their potential energy savings and operational performance. CalNEXT will help estimate long-term cost-effectiveness, prioritize technologies with significant energy savings opportunities, and identify potential barriers to market adoption. CalNEXT is a great opportunity for programs to see their full potential, to get the evaluation and implementation support they need, and for good ideas to come to life and make major impacts to support California’s decarbonized future. 

Program Stats

Outreach Events
Project Submissions
Approved Projects
Completed Projects

About CalNEXT

CalNEXT identifies, tests, and grows electric energy technologies and delivery methods that have the potential to make major impacts on achieving California’s climate goals. Our goal is to provide support and resources for 170 projects over the next six years. CalNEXT’s team of experts identify and resource ideas to advance the state’s priorities for decarbonization through electrification, utility grid priorities such as load flexibility, new measures for utility programs, and engaging hard-to-reach customers and disadvantaged communities. Project categories include research and development addressing appliances, HVAC, lighting, process loads, water heating, and whole buildings. Selected projects are tested and potentially incorporated into investor-owned utility programs.

CalNEXT is also dedicated to removing barriers so that all Californians have access to the benefits of clean and healthy environments. Through this initiative, we hope to engage members of the community to provide insight into how to support equity and inclusion in delivering these technologies.

Emerging Technology Programs & Collaboratives

CalNEXT is the new statewide electric emerging technologies program that is designed and implemented by Energy Solutions. We are part of the larger group of efforts supporting emerging technologies in California, including:

GET — The new Statewide Gas Emerging Technologies Program is designed and implemented by ICF. Visit this website to submit ideas for gas projects, learn about their upcoming events, and hear about their findings.

DRET — The California IOUs conduct Demand Response Emerging Technologies Programs to accelerate the market adoption of innovative demand response enabling technologies in all customer sectors to meet California’s electric reliability and climate goals. Visit this website for descriptions of their research areas, descriptions of active and completed projects, and project reports.

CA-ETP.com — Southern California Edison (SCE) and SoCalGas (SCG) are the Program Administrators of the Statewide Electric Emerging Technologies Program (ETP) and the Statewide Gas ETP. They use this website to track the progress and deliverables of the third party implementers, and to provide visibility to program activities for regulatory purposes. Visit this website for the status and final reports of individual ETP projects that were produced by the Statewide Electric and Gas ET Programs.

ETCC-CA.com — The Emerging Technologies Coordinating Council consists of seven members, including the four investor-owned utilities (IOUs), the California Energy Commission, Sacramento Municipal Utility District, and Los Angeles Water and Power. This website contains the project reports since the early 2000s from the ETCC IOU members’ technology assessment programs, including ETP (prior to transition to statewide implementation in 2022), Demand Response ET, and PG&E’s Code Readiness programs. This website mirrors the database of projects and final reports from the CA-ETP.com website, and directs idea submissions to the CalNEXT and GET websites. Visit this website for a comprehensive database of all ETP final reports since 2006, the status of currently active ET projects, and final reports from other IOU technology assessment programs.

The CalNEXT program is designed and implemented by Cohen Ventures, Inc., DBA Energy Solutions (“Energy Solutions”). Southern California Edison Company, on behalf of itself, Pacific Gas and Electric Company, and San Diego Gas & Electric® Company (collectively, the “CA Electric IOUs”), has contracted with Energy Solutions for CalNEXT. CalNEXT is available in each of the CA Electric IOU’s service territories. Customers who participate in CalNEXT are under individual agreements between the customer and Energy Solutions or Energy Solutions’ subcontractors (Terms of Use). The CA Electric IOUs are not parties to, nor guarantors of, any Terms of Use with Energy Solutions. The CA Electric IOUs have no contractual obligation, directly or indirectly, to the customer. The CA Electric IOUs are not liable for any actions or inactions of Energy Solutions, or any distributor, vendor, installer, or manufacturer of product(s) offered through CalNEXT. The CA Electric IOUs do not recommend, endorse, qualify, guarantee, or make any representations or warranties (express or implied) regarding the findings, services, work, quality, financial stability, or performance of Energy Solutions or any of Energy Solutions’ distributors, contractors, subcontractors, installers of products, or any product brand listed on Energy Solutions’ website or provided, directly or indirectly, by Energy Solutions. If applicable, prior to entering into any Terms of Use, customers should thoroughly review the terms and conditions of such Terms of Use so they are fully informed of their rights and obligations under the Terms of Use, and should perform their own research and due diligence, and obtain multiple bids or quotes when seeking a contractor to perform work of any type.