Process Loads

Published December 15, 2022

Effective March 1, 2023

The continued expansion of energy storage and other distributed energy resources (DERs), as well as the emergence of building demand flexibility as an important design attribute, help support California’s legislation and decarbonization goals. Maintaining building performance and integrating systems to achieve ongoing energy management information systems.

2022 Technology Research Areas




Advancement of highly efficient electric motor types and associated control technologies with an emphasis on enhancing new advanced electric motor market awareness, stocking, deployment, and scalability. 

Example Technologies

Switched reluctance motors, synchronous reluctance motors, permanent-magnet (PM) alternating current (AC) (PMAC) motors, PM synchronous motors (PMSM), and motors with an integrated variable-speed drive (VSD)


A recent US motor market assessment estimates annual energy savings (482,000 GWh/year), annual greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction (342 MMT/year CO2), and annual utility bill savings ($53 billion/year) from advanced motors. Advanced technology motors are available and directly substitutable for standard induction motors in many applications. For example, in response to Department of Energy (DOE) motor rulemakings, the California (CA) IOUs docketed 13 advanced motor case studies and a table listing nine advanced motors from five manufacturers that can be substituted for traditional induction motors. 

ET research should focus on 1) market research to identify the market share and availability of advanced motors, 2) opportunities to retrofit standard induction motors for advanced motors, and 3) opportunities to educate distributors and train contractors. Emerging Technology (ET) research should include VSD and associated controls and installation support tools that increase drive and motor efficiency, reduce equipment and installation costs, as well as simplify installation and commissioning to avoid errors that prevent full equipment efficiency. 


While advanced motors have secured a foothold in the US at 1.5-2.0%, there is an opportunity to grow the market for advanced electric motors in CA which will likely encourage even higher performance electric motors. Currently advanced motors are not regulated and therefore it is difficult for consumers to directly compare these advanced options with standard induction motors with many consumers not aware of these options at all. Motor-driven equipment manufacturers are incorporating advanced motors and drives into new equipment designs, but it is unclear how these motors will be replaced in the future nor how existing equipment packages can be retrofitted with these advanced motor retrofits as the supply channels are not well understood. ET research is needed to introduce advanced motors more broadly into all parts of the supply chain, encourage distributors and repair shops to stock them, and train contractors to install them so consumers can begin specifying them.

Active / Completed Projects

Please refer to the Emerging Technologies Coordinating Council for a complete list of active and completed projects to ensure your project is not duplicative.

Past TPMs